lørdag, november 07, 2009

Kjære Far.

Today I moved out from Magne and Olgas little house and into the center. I found it very comfortable to stay there, but yesterday evening; I realized that it was time to move into the “real thing”. The real thing may not be so comfortable always. Like right now. Darina, my interpreter has gone home. The girls downstairs are quarrelling. And now the electric is gone, together with the daylight.

Then it’s good to know about destiny. It wasn’t my plan to go here, it was God’s!

I’ve been teaching the girls about destiny the previous days. Today, we mostly talk about talents. And the girls are so different. Garla couldn’t stop talking about all the things she enjoyed doing. Kathia couldn’t stop talk about all the things she would enjoy to do somewhere in the future. Vicca knew exactly what she liked to do, and where she possibly could go and do it. Natasha knew what she liked to do when she was young. And Liera didn’t know what she liked to do. She only wanted herself a husband. It’s not so weird that the girls are quarrelling so much. Such different personalities… All are former drug users. All are mothers. And all are Ukrainian women! I heard before I came here, that women in Ukraine have the loudest temper in the world, or somewhere.

Oh, how I wish all the girls would just start do something. I’m learning Garla guitar. She has practised a lot today, hallelujah! I also teach Kathia some English. Unfortunately, all the other girls seem to be jealous to them.

The evening turned our quite well, fortunately! We ate supper in the kitchen with candle lights. And we praised God in candlelight. Natashas sister and sister in law arrived about nine. Her sister in law is a genius! She knows Italian, frensh, Arabic, Hebrew… And English! Thank you God, for loving and providing me everywhere. I knew that you wanted me to move to the center today!

Now the power of my computer is about to leave also. Thank you God for today! Thank you that you will provide for me tonight so I won’t freeze. Thank you for giving me wisdom for tomorrow session! Thank you for giving me more and more insight in the Russian language. I love to be here!

1 kommentar:

Enkel sjel på landet sa...

Endelig. Jeg har vært på bloggen din hver dag siden du reiste. Jeg er litt mer analog enn den andre pappaen din. Det er derfor jeg ringer for å høre stemmen din og hvordan du har det.

Nå skriver jeg kommentar for andre gang, for jeg skulle visst registeres. Og det som falt meg inn, var "en enkel sjel på landet."

Jeg er fornøyd med søndagsskolen min - to misjonærer, en Vårt-Land-journalist og mange som følger Jesus i dag også.

Og siste kapitel er ikke skrivi.

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