onsdag, mai 18, 2011

What I have learned while staying in Poland & Waiting for Visa to Ukraine

Thank you Teen Challenge Ukraine! I'm your slave for at least one more year!!!! Magne; I'll paint the gate really soon! 

  • All you need to know for life is the thing God says to Jesus before he has done a thing! Matt 3:17: YOU are Gods BELOVED CHILD! GOD is PLEASED WITH YOU! If you know this you'll overcome everything.
  • Don't trust what everybody says. Check rules yourselves, especially those related to visa.
  • You can not trust anyone. Especially not youeself
  • Life cost money
  • Money has wings
  • Money has to come from a sourse..
  • It's hard to be a single missionary, because you have no one else to blame, except yourself.
  • Church is not only a good thing, but Gods way to rescue and keep you safe and sound.
  • Some prayers will remain unanswered untill you get yourself into a local church. 
  • The word of God is the only thing you can trust in life.
  • God will always catch you. It's easy to turn emotional, but it not neccesary.
  • The scares on my hands start scraching whenever I'm frightened. When I am at peace, everything recover.
  • True peace is only found in Gods pressence.
  • Do never go for a trip without guitar again.
  • But however, in music shops with bad service, you can sit and sing & praise Jesus with excellent guitars uninterrupted!
  • And I can actually write songs without guitar.
  • I love forests. Because there I can dance and sing really really loud. 
  • I hope that in heaven there are some forests, not only streets of gold..
  • I am happy when I can live close to the streams of water, drink it and tell everybody where it's water.. Like these yellow flowers, (bekkeblom in Norwegian)

  • I hate to wait. But it's good, somehow it makes you a very patient person.
  • Controll is an illution. There is NOT anything such as having controll over your life. Forget about it!
  • I love to write. I am smart. I want to become an author just like my uncle.
  • Friends are more prechious than anything. 

  • You don't need more litteratur than The Bible.
  • The Norwegian day of constitution, 17th of May is a very special day to me. I couldn't complete singing the first senctence of the national anthem, I just started to cry.
  • God has given me a special grace for russian/ukrainian language and not for the polish.
  • When I see drug addicts, my heart melts completely allthough they're ugly and smell bad and are more likely criminals.
  • I realize that I maybe have a calling to do coffee house ministry in Donetsk...
  • I love art! It gives me so much joy!

  • I am beautiful. When I can wear pink, have a run each day and don't be afraid:-)
  • My dream is to bring my songs and my music to lost people!
  • It's really really bad that people whom God loves, who've experienced a hell on earth shall live in hell forever when Jesus has paid the price and made everything ready for them in Heaven. Let's give people the GOOD NEWS!

fredag, mai 13, 2011

nie razumem

I'm just a little baby
There’s so much I don't understand
But I know that I'm a precious pearl
Within my Father's hand
The world is very big
I don't know where I should go
But I know the voice, who says my name,
who calls me as His own.
Sometimes the world's falling over me
And darkness overshadows my eyes
Then I look to the one who created me
The one who said to darkness "Be light"
When I see Him
I see everything
I see how the sun and the moon in its proper place
Put life in perfect harmony.
When I see Him
I see everything
I see powers, principalities
devils and demons
Melting all at once like wax
Beneath my feet
I have a dream inside
To make His kingdom come
To let the world He planned to be
be real for all mankind.
But I am very weak
I cannot move a fly
But I can listen to His loving voice
And sing it as a song!

torsdag, mai 05, 2011

Still in Poland -fremdeles i Polen.

I've still not let into Ukraine -jeg har fremdelses ikke sluppet inn i Ukraina.
I've been to North Poland for 10 days -Jeg har vært i Nord Polen i 10 dager, 
visiting the family Urbaniak -besøkt familien Urbaniak
who're leaders of Teen Challenge Poland, -som er ledere av Teen Challenge Polen,
Whom I've liked very much -som jeg har likt veldig godt.
I've started to write a book -jeg har begynt å skrive bok
about how to break free -om hvordan bli fri
into becoming the child of God -til å bli Guds barn
as he predestined you to be -slik han forutbestemte deg til å være.
Now I'm back in Warshawa -Nå er jeg tilbake i Warshawa.
Staying with Ania Urbaniak, their daughter. -Bor hos Ania Urbaniak, datteren deres.
Try to enjoy my days waiting for visa -Prøver å nyte dagene mens jeg venter på visa
doing something good -med å gjøre noe bra
 -like helping Ania with her BA -som å hjelpe Ania med hennes BA.
And play author -og leke forfatter.
Today I playes author -idag lekte jeg forfatter
in starbucks -på Starbucks
for 4 hours -i fire timer.
With my computer and Bible. -med min PC og Bibel.
You can see my "baby" -Dere kan se min nyfødte
on- på 

In North Poland I also got to do a concert -I Nord-Polen fikk jeg også gjøre en konsert
In the Teen Challenge-rehab center -På Teen Challenge.rehabsenteret
For 80 students -For 80 studenter
Together with Ania and her brother Benjamin -sammen med Ania og broren Benjamin
Who played flute and drums -som spilte fløyte og trommer.
We played songs I had written -Vi spilte sanger jeg hadde skrevet
And the chorus of "we exalt you" in polish -Og refrenget på "vi opphøyer deg" på polsk.
And I realized -og jeg innså
That one of my biggest dreams -at en av mine største drømmer
was suddenly come true -var plutselig gått i oppfyllelse.
-To play my songs and share Gods heart -Å synge mine sanger og dele Guds hjerte
For people that is bounded -for folk som er bundet
Together with other musicians -sammen med andre musikere.
-Not alone -Ikke alene.
I also got to see a lot of wild animals -Jeg fikk også se masse ville dyr
Like bevers, foxes, -som bevere, rever
Big flocks of deers -store flokker med rådyr
and one dead adder -og en død huggorm.
I like adders -jeg liker hoggormer
When they're dead -når de er døde.