lørdag, november 14, 2009

Del 10: Hvorfor vil ikke alle bli misjonærer?
Living your dream!

Father in heaven!

We’ve been fasting for tree days now. But still, the girls are quarrelling. God, it’s not so easy. It can sometimes seem like when they are in Gods presence, everything is ok, but after when they have to do something, the fire starts again. God, I wish life was like in some Pentecostal churches. Where you only cry and repent in the alter call, and suddenly, all your personal afflictions are gone. But you know; this is a rehabilitation centre. Rehab means simply that something is missing, and the missing parts must be replaced. And this missing parts, is so important that it has to be replaced over time. Over such long period that you’re sure it will not fall out as soon as the rehab period is over.

For me, it took two years in bible school. And I’ve been a Christian since from childhood.

Here, the rehab is one year. I feel myself very angry every time I hear about this drop-in-rehabs. “Come and stay for three weeks, and be equipped for life.”

I’ve told my father in Heaven to help me with this language problem. He has promised me that whatever I need to know, I’ll know.

And he does! On the one hand, he gives me love to learn the language. It’s a kind of honoured love. I know God loves these women very very much. And I also know that he is entrusted me… It’s just like holding 5 (or 12) baby-Jesus’s in my shaking trembling hands at the same time. Try yourself! You would probably take it a bit serious.

But also, God is supernaturally helping me! Like Darina, coming every day. She’s translating my words to the girls, and their words to me. This weekend, she was off. But God gave me another blessing, a wonderful girl Sasha, who’s relative to Nathalia. She was visiting Nathalia for a weekend together with Nathalias sister, Anna. We became very good friends. And what a blessing! She translated all our prayer meetings, all the words from the girls, all my words to them… It’s so wonderful to see how God works for me to be able to care of his babies.

But yes, I’m learning Russian. It’s not easy, but it’s possible. And every single word is helpful. And every word, I’m able to practice a lot on the centre.

In church, there are many international people, and we’re sitting on the same bench getting translation. I like this. One of the girls from Africa asked me what my dream would be.

“I live my dream” I answered. Yes, I know this is not my final destination. But I am in Ukraine. I play guitar. I preach the word. I’m with kids. I do art. I do everything I like! I’m living my dream!

Start live your dream!!

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