Thank you Teen Challenge Ukraine! I'm your slave for at least one more year!!!! Magne; I'll paint the gate really soon!
- All you need to know for life is the thing God says to Jesus before he has done a thing! Matt 3:17: YOU are Gods BELOVED CHILD! GOD is PLEASED WITH YOU! If you know this you'll overcome everything.
- Don't trust what everybody says. Check rules yourselves, especially those related to visa.
- You can not trust anyone. Especially not youeself
- Life cost money
- Money has wings
- Money has to come from a sourse..
- It's hard to be a single missionary, because you have no one else to blame, except yourself.
- Church is not only a good thing, but Gods way to rescue and keep you safe and sound.
- Some prayers will remain unanswered untill you get yourself into a local church.
- The word of God is the only thing you can trust in life.
- God will always catch you. It's easy to turn emotional, but it not neccesary.
- The scares on my hands start scraching whenever I'm frightened. When I am at peace, everything recover.
- True peace is only found in Gods pressence.
- Do never go for a trip without guitar again.
- But however, in music shops with bad service, you can sit and sing & praise Jesus with excellent guitars uninterrupted!
- And I can actually write songs without guitar.
- I love forests. Because there I can dance and sing really really loud.
- I hope that in heaven there are some forests, not only streets of gold..
- I am happy when I can live close to the streams of water, drink it and tell everybody where it's water.. Like these yellow flowers, (bekkeblom in Norwegian)
- I hate to wait. But it's good, somehow it makes you a very patient person.
- Controll is an illution. There is NOT anything such as having controll over your life. Forget about it!
- I love to write. I am smart. I want to become an author just like my uncle.
- Friends are more prechious than anything.
- You don't need more litteratur than The Bible.
- The Norwegian day of constitution, 17th of May is a very special day to me. I couldn't complete singing the first senctence of the national anthem, I just started to cry.
- God has given me a special grace for russian/ukrainian language and not for the polish.
- When I see drug addicts, my heart melts completely allthough they're ugly and smell bad and are more likely criminals.
- I realize that I maybe have a calling to do coffee house ministry in Donetsk...
- I love art! It gives me so much joy!
- I am beautiful. When I can wear pink, have a run each day and don't be afraid:-)
- My dream is to bring my songs and my music to lost people!
- It's really really bad that people whom God loves, who've experienced a hell on earth shall live in hell forever when Jesus has paid the price and made everything ready for them in Heaven. Let's give people the GOOD NEWS!